Hyderabad's Biggest Kids expo focusing on futuristic subjects and concepts kicked off
IIIT Hyderabad hosts BDA 2022, an international conference on Big Data Analytics
A uniquely curated, the biggest ever Undergrad Summit-2022 will be held at JNTU-Hyderabad
When all Runs cater for adults, this Run is for kids
" शिक्षण : एक शाश्वत संपत्ती " - प्रा. डॉ. प्रतिक राजन मुणगेकर
18th Edition of Freedom Hyderabad 10K Run held
What is Career Counseling? -Dr.Pratik Mungekar
Journalism has to be independent, free from pressure and influence
International Brand Equity will host National Startup Day 2023 summit & awards on January 16, 2023
Super Abled Children speciality is the most neglected branch of medicine: Dr. Tamilisai Soundararaja
Panel Discussion on Human Rights of the Persons with Disabilities
IIITH's social incubator, AIC-IIITH onboards startups for EPAM Social Impact Innovation Program
CIE at IIITH startup PiStarTech wins "best idea" award at Aarambh 2022
IEBC 2022 was shined with different forms of ideas which build into something greater
Indian tourists travelling into space is not far away and will become reality in the next 10 years
The book is an outcome of Meraki, a Talent show in which special children from all over country
46 school desks worth Rs 1.6 lakh donated to a Govt School
Rotary Club of Hyderabad Centennial to host a unique and a first of its kind Inter Academy
It is the oldest of all Jain Temples in the city
In the past 4 years, 39 startups accelerated with over half raising follow-on funding