18 Poor women of Rudrur Were given away 18 Sewing Machines after completion of their 60 day tailoring training.
The sewing machines were presented to 18 women who successfully completed tailoring training program. The training program was organised by Wow Villages, a rural tourism Vlog. In a brief function held in Rudrur village in Nizamabad District on Tuesday, D. Ramchandram, the Vlogger of Wow Villages, handed over the certificates as well as sewing machines.
The 18 women beneficiaries comprised of Covid Widows, divorcees and young girls who want to extend financial support to their families.
Wow Villages rural tourism Vlog embarked on this initiative on request of Shri K. Ramesh, a retired headmaster and resident of Rudrur Village to help women in distress.
Ms. Mamata, a teacher was appointed. Four sewing machines were taken on hire. Cloth, scissors, thread (daarapu unda) were arranged. All this support was provided by Wow Villages. Sewing machines worth Rs 1,21,500/- were arranged with the support of philanthropic individuals and Freemasons.

These women are very talented. We began the tailoring training program with 30 women, but 12 had to be dropped because of their irregularity. When there was a delay in the beginning of the program in arranging cloth from Hyderabad, these women used their old sarees speaks their interest and determination, added D. Ramchandram, YouTuber of Wow Villages, the rural tourism Vlog.
Covid has affected livelihoods of many and these women are no exception. It is good of D. Ramchandram and Wow Villages, the rural tourism Vlog which in the past highlighted the poor maintenance of Rudrur fort and created awareness for it in one of their vlogs. Since then Wow Villages has been visiting Rudrur and has been doing a lot of charity activities. Provided sewing machines to several women during covid to keep their livelihood in intact. Also provided shoes to schools in near by villages, informed K. Ramesh.
One of the participants made garland, rose flowers with cloth and look just like original flowers. Not only that, these made as pleasant surprise and substitute for plastics. These are eco friendly. They are made laboriously. And such women must be encouraged D. Ramchandram
Wow Villages also will provide marketing support in promoting their skill, he added.
I thank K. Ramesh and Wow Villages for facilitating the training and arranging sewing machines said Ms. Mamata, who trained the women.