The seventh edition of CAHOCON 2023 concludes at HICC, Madhapur in the city on Sunday evening. The two-day conference for healthcare professionals was attended by over 1500 delegates from across India from 26 states and 15 countries. It had 91 speaker sessions. It was held for the first time in Hyderabad. It was by far the highest-ever attended COHOCON conference.
It was organised by CAHO (Consortium of Accredited Healthcare Organisations), a not-for-profit body that aims to enable quality and patient safety initiatives in Indian healthcare.
Speaking at the valedictory function, the guest of honour, Dr. Anurag Batra, a serial entrepreneur, and media mogul said after COVID anything is a bonus. No one ever thought they would survive, especially the way the virus devastated the world.

In business sustainability is important. But, in health care patient outcomes are important, said Dr. Anurag.
He gave 3Cs to stay away from— Complain, Criticise and Compare. And asked his audience to embrace the 3Hs—Hope, Hard-work and Humility for a better life.
Dr. Vijay Agarwal, President of CAHO said accreditation is the beginning of the journey for Quality health care. The theme of the conference was "Leadership is the Key to Quality".
Dr. B. Bhaskar Rao, Organising Chairman of CAHOCON-2023 said India is now the healthcare hub. Hyderabad is a medical tourism hub. Earlier people used to go abroad for advanced treatment. But, now it is reversed, patients come here from various countries.
Hyderabad has done remarkably well. Hyderabad is the place which does 100 lung transplantations in a year, which is a record, not just in India but across Asia said Dr. Bhaskar Rao
Hyderabad is also the most happening place for Liver, Kidney and Bone Marrow transplantations.
Dr Rao appealed to the state government as well as all the governments across India to create green corridors for ambulances, the way Hyderabad police have done for organ transportation. In brain stroke time matters the most. If a patient reaches in time in such a case, they can even go back to walking. CAHO must work along with the governments to devise ways and means to transport patients, especially in emergencies faster, Dr Rao said
During the valedictory function, three medical professionals were recognised for their outstanding contributions. Dr Narottam Puri, an ENT Specialist, is a veteran in the field of clinical practice and healthcare management in India. He is also a well-known commentator. He was honoured with the Lifetime Achievement Award.
Dr. Anuradha Pichumani, Executive Director, Shri Rengal Hospital, Chengalpattu was honoured with Quality Champion Award and Dr. Geeta Pulari, Deputy General Manager, Sankara Eye Foundation with Young Quality Achiever Award
LifeSigns, an intelligent wireless patient monitoring service, was launched during the closing ceremony. It is the Intelligent Monitoring System that can monitor multiple parameters of several patients continuously.
The two-day conference for healthcare professionals kicked off on Saturday. Dr. Ravi P.Singh, Secretary General, Quality Council of India (QCI), an autonomous body, set up jointly by the Government of India and other bodies. Speaking on the occasion he said in order to encourage and promote quality, QCI will rate and rank 1000 NABL Accredited Hospitals in India. This work may begin in July this year. The few top-ranked hospitals will be accorded status centres of excellence, he said.
The next conference will be held in Kolkata in 2024