8 October 2021 was really special when we had Dr. Ina Singh on our Instagram live session...
She is well qualified as a Certified Professional Soft Skills Trainer, English language Coach, Behavioral Teacher Trainer, Passionate Storyteller, Parenting, Mind, NLP & life Coach.

The topic was all about the battle of Teaching vs Training. Dr. Ina had previous experience in both kinds of roles.
We witnessed energizing vibes till the end not only for the host Prachetan Potadar but also from the audience in the comments.
Dr. Ina answered a lot of questions with her unique way of problem-solving skills.
During these answers, each one from the participants noticed her Time Management, Stress Management, Conflict Management, Business communication & Etiquette, Leadership Skills, Presentation Dynamics, Personality Development, Goal Setting, Interpersonal Skills, Analytical Thinking, Creativity, Team Building, Interpersonal Skills, Decision making, Life skills, Relationship Management, Parenting Styles & Management, Learning through Storytelling, etc.
Dr. Ina conveyed wonderful smiling gestures while appreciating the mimicry of Nawaz Sharif.
At some instant, she adapted some role of the parents while responding to thoughts raised by Jyoti Dixit. On the other hand, she highlighted the importance of technology to transform lives.
2nd was equally marched with expectations of an audience where she appreciated the performance of singer Karandep Singh, from Govind Pura, Punjab.
This session was full of positive outcomes from the different training needs and modes. She showcased live examples to resolve a lot of issues right away.
3rd part was not included initially but the audience insisted to convey their thoughts to the honorable guest, through host Prachetan Potadar.

This session turned into a powerpack when we had an arrival of the founder and CEO of positive thoughts Dr. Gourav Sharma. He highlighted different shades of Dr. Ina Singh in his prolific tone.
This live session turned into an amazing response when we started off with rapid-fire. Dr. Ina Singh was absolutely spontaneous while answering tricky questions by the host and audience.
In the end, Host Prachetan Potadar conveyed thanks to all the audience, members from positive thoughts family, founder of Aimsolute Ms. Harshada Potadar for amazing posters and events promotion.
If you want to cherish those memories, Here are the links:-
Part 1 of 3 :
Part 2 of 3 :
Part 3 of 3 :
coming soon