Sharing his pearl of wisdom to the participants of a two-day Management Development Program on Decision Making and Cross-Functional Productivity, Nanda Kishore, MD, Ramky Estates & Farms said to 50 and odd participants who are either mid-level or senior-level corporate leaders either to become entrepreneurs or work like an entrepreneur. An entrepreneur is a part of nation-building. Entrepreneurs create wealth for the nation, jobs, and contribute to the economy of the nation. How is that possible? He gave an example of the real estate business and explained his point.
Nanda Kishore said when you start a real estate project, 260-plus industries thrive on it. It will have a multiplying effect on other ancillary industries. While the real estate venture gives direct employment to some, many in other ancillary industries get employment as a consequence of it. he spoke.
You need to have the courage to start an entrepreneurship. You need to be ready to be wiped off. For some reason, if you can't become an entrepreneur then work like an entrepreneur he emphasised.
Nanda Kishore who was the Chief Guest at the program organised by FTCCI, Federation of Telangana Chambers of Commerce and Industry, the 106-year-old, Hyderabad-based most vibrant trade and commerce body, inaugurated the program along with Mr. B. Rajgopal G, Head HR at Ramky, Ms. Veena, Secretary, FTCCI and Dr. Ankit Bhatnagar, Director on Monday at FTCCI in Red Hills.
The two full-day program deals with skills and qualities required for the management of an organisation, customer service, communication and presentation skills, review of case studies, approaches to decision making, social media management, Digital Skills, Management and Manager Relationships, Conflict Resolution and many useful subjects of interest to leaders who manage an enterprise.

At mid-career, one should pause and see where he or she is heading as moves to the next level. As a mid-level corporate executive, you are at the helm of affairs of operations. Operations is all about efficiency which you must turn into effectiveness. Efficiency is about doing the right things. But effectiveness is about doing the right things, as Nanda Kishore clearly defined them. Earlier you were implementing them and now as a leader, you have to drive to do the right things. Your thinking has to be strategic, what is right and what is wrong. You can play the role of a guide or mentor.
This program is about how to become better. How to become better in conflict resolution. This program will teach you what can be done better. It will help you transform from manager to leader, the most sought-after corporate leader added.
He spoke about abilities and opportunities. If you have ability and not opportunity and have an opportunity and not ability will not work well. He gave an example of Sachin Tendulkar, an internationally renowned cricketer and his son Arjun. Arjun has the opportunity but doesn't have any ability which is not taking him anywhere. If you have both abilities and opportunities but are not doing anything remarkable, you are committing a great crime, he explained.
India is a great nation and has made many strides except on the entrepreneurship front. Just a minuscule percentage of our population prefers to be entrepreneurs. When compared to the USA, we are far far behind. From a very early childhood, business people are projected not in a good light. He recalled his childhood when his mother used to advise him whenever she sent him to a nearby shop to fetch groceries for the family to be cautious as he was likely to be cheated while weighing them.
He asked his participants to work with ownership. Owners of a business entity are interested in outcomes. You must focus on outcomes. Processes are fine, but outcomes are important. If you have generated a process to pay the electricity bill of a plant, but the authority who is supposed to pay doesn't pay the bill, electricity is disconnected from your manufacturing facility. As a leader, you must make things happen. You need to be decisive. You must always have balance. Have conviction. When you have conviction, you will never fail, the senior corporate leader of Ramky Industries told them.

Elaborating on fine balance in life, he cited an example of Sachin Tendulkar and Vinod Kambli. Though the latter was much more talented than the former, he couldn't excel and is now nowhere comparable to Sachin, who has a fine sense of balance in life
Rajgopal Bankupalli, Head--Human Resources, Ramky Infrastructure Ltd and the man behind the program said to attendees to be exceptional in their operations. Get into bigger things such as strategizing. Decision-making is the most important competency among many that a leader requires. This is such a specific competency people are very cautious and avoid it many times. This program helps you in improving decision-making competency among others he said
Dr. Ankit Bhatnagar, Director of FTCCI giving his opening remarks said, Management Development Program is one of the key programs of FTCCI. We have roped in the best of the best speakers and subject experts to equip the next generation of leaders. The program is the need of the hour, he added.
Ms. Veena, Secretary of FTCCI and Mr. Rakesh of Skill Development Centre of the FTCCI graced the inauguration. Ms. Veena gave away mementoes to the guests.