"Seminar' on the 'web' platform is Webinar. And thanks to lockdown, everyone is well known about the webinar, now. But, still, many webinars, with rich content, are not productive...
Well, these are the five tips, to, become
1. Registrations and attendees are not the same?
It happens many times, that you get so many registrations, but the actual audience, at the time of the webinar is very few.
Remind the webinar day and date, at regular intervals, before the event, through mail, whats app, and another available medium or combinations of mediums of communications.
Also, make sure the time of the webinar is suitable for the people, who actually registered for it. You can run a short survey and ask them for a suitable time, too.
2. Are you taking the regular follow-up of the interested audience?
Follow up and follow up and follow up.
Not only with those who had registered, but with those who have shown interest, previously.
Share a Thank You for the registration message. Solve their queries or share any information, they are looking for...
Also send 1 email per day, with a clear message, before and on the day of the webinar.
3. It's not a self-advertisement platform.
The webinar is the best place to share the information, it may be your presentation, video, panel discussion, etc. But, if you focus on yourself, and not on the contents, the value of the overall webinar will be getting down, resulting in nullifying the interest of audiences.
Br clear about your focus...and target ...
4. Respect the time.
Never ever delay your webinar. In the worst case or due to some unexpected technical problem, if you need to, then convey the same with your audience, at the earliest.
As well as finish it in desired time. If required, you can ask them to schedule the next webinar on the same topic.
5. Connect with the audience.
Get connected with the audience, during the webinar, and most important, once the webinar is over... yes it is very much necesaary.
Follow up with the audience, at regular intervals. Collect the webinar feedback and their expectations, too.
6. Never ever make any illogical and unnecessary promise?
The motto of the webinar is to make the audience involved or get connected or make them visit your showroom, etc.
But, for the same, never make any illogical promise. It makes your ' right ' customer stay apart...
Yes, you can make some realistic premises like free passes for the next webinar or register and get one entry free or likewise...
7. Be clear about the deliverables?
The main reasons, why many webinars are not successful is the FOCUS. Every webinar won't have the same focus, but every webinar must have a FOCUS.
Whether it is for new customers? is it for a product demo? whether to participate in the competition? to run any survey? or any other?
Be clear in your focus and deliverables and then plan out your webinar. We assure the productiveness of it if you follow these simple tips and tricks.