Young FICCI Ladies Organization (YFLO), Hyderabad Chapter to organise a session “Untaboo Your Parenting” with Anju Kish in the city at The Park, Somajiguda on Wednesday 15th February.

Anju Kish is a Certified Sex Educator, double graduate, former journalist, an avid writer, passionate speaker and an out of the box thinker, Anju is a mother of 2 teenagers with a cauldron of ideas to make everything fun – even education. She is a Stand-up Comedian, TEDx Speaker, Entrepreneur and Founder of UnTaboo, a company dedicated to Safety and Sex Education. It has been working to break the taboos around the subject to nurture a safer society.
YFLO is a unique platform for young women from diverse professional and entrepreneurial backgrounds to interact with each other, learn, explore new avenues and launch their ideas in a supportive and nurturing environment
The session aims to educate and enlighten young and old moms, grandmas and everyone in the audience as to how to communicate with children of varied age groups when it comes to topics like sex, puberty, sexual identity and various questions that children ask. The session focuses on breaking the taboo and giving the right answers to raise educated children with the right knowledge on these topics.
Covering topics and questions for children from 2 years to 15 years, the session brings a new perspective on parenting where social stigma is broken and open communication is encouraged. This is an attempt to build a better society where every child is well-informed and not mis-informed. Ultimately the session will help build a responsible and empowered next generation that believes in open communication with their parents on every topic, shared Ms. Ms. Sonali Modi Saraf, Chairperson of YFLO in a communication issued to the media in the city today.

I am working towards changing the mindsets and making people realize that Sex education is not about sex, but about helping children transition smoothly from childhood to adulthood with a very positive and responsible attitude, says Anju Kish..
India is said to have a high rate of teenage pregnancies. 53% of children in India between the ages of 5 to 12 are sexually abused. The average age at which a child in India watches porn is 11 and experiments with sex is 14 years.
Many believe that sex education corrupts children, but the statistics of our country where there is sex education proves that …. sex education is not the culprit, it is the solution to keep the child safe.
Untaboo is a company dedicated to Sex-Sexuality-Safety education launched in 2011 as ‘Out of the Box’, when it was an out of the box idea to discuss, but in today’s scenario it is a need, an urgent one, says the speaker. Though we are a developed nation, and is on par with the best in the world, there are still taboos surrounding it. Still there is a lot of hesitation. No one talks openly about it. But this must change. Let us break the taboos and make sex education acceptable and accessible to all, says Anju Kish. We can educate only when we talk openly, she adds.